Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Holidays Are Coming!!

Well November is finally here. It has brought several things with it. One;Mom is already out shopping. She loves to be finished early. Now she will worry if everything will fit. I confess to being a last minute shopper. Two; The nice cool weather has arrived back in Florida. The high is about 80 and the low is about 60. If it could only stay this way all year long. But as they say, " You have to take the bitter with the better." Three; HR Block is starting to take up my time with seminars. They seem to add more every year.
The biggest news concerns Eileen. Last week she found out that she is expecting a girl in March. With all the boys, I am still not sure that they are right. I'll just have to wait until March to really find out. Eileen also found out that she is on the promotion list for Lt. Commander.
Nicole expects to have her baby, by section, this week. She is expecting a boy.
There is no big news from everyone else. Everyone is happy and taking care of their families. GOD bless you all.
I will leave you with an Irish Blessing;

Love, life and happiness.
May your troubles be few
and your blessings many.


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