Sunday, March 19, 2006


We all remember St. Patricks Day but as the priest said today "We only remember St. Joseph when we are trying to sell our house." It was a beautiful day. As is our custom we celebrated St. Patricks Day at Flanigans Pub in downtown Dunedin. They closed off the street, put out tables and chairs and put up a tent. There was a stage and Noel Cooney was the main entertainer for the day. There were Irish Step Dancers and the Dunedin Pipe and Drum band. As befitting an Irish celebration, there were children singing with Noel. Joe, Dan and I went there about 1PM. All the tables and chairs were taken all ready. The Guiness girls were circulating through the crowd and the music was playing. We spotted some friends who had a small table so we joined them. Mom came down at about 3pm and Matt arrived about 4pm. Dawn, Sean and Kevin arrived also about 4pm. There was plenty of singing and dancing and the beer was flowing at a pretty good clip. Other friends joined us and a good time was had by all. Mom left about 5pm. Joe and I left when the street lights came on. A great time was had by all. Every year the party at Flanigans grows larger. There is an older crowd in the afternoon and the younger crowd comes in the evening.


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