Thursday, April 20, 2006


Monday finished this year at HRB. This year seemed to take longer than usual. The eggheads in the main office in KC conspired to increase our workload. You could tell that they never had to do the job. The program to do the taxes is good but it is the extras that drive you batty. You have to go thru 20 screens in order to finish a return. Sometimes, for very trivial reasons you are supposed to have a return reviewed by another preparer. First try to find another available preparer. It becomes so you just put another preparers number in the approval screen.
They gave out coupons for discounts. This is a good idea but then they make you fill out a voucher for each coupon as well as put it into the computer.
The people in the office are great and everyone gets along. The customer are interesting and fun to deal with. But TG it is all over for this year.

Our plans to go north to Christi's Graduation are progressing. We plan to drive and leave here on May 4th. We will arrive at Jean's on Friday the 5th.We will leave Jean's and go up to Eileen's on Monday, May 8th. We will head back home on the 10th
arriving here on the 11th.

We had a great Easter. Marge and Hank and the boys arrived on Saterday. We went to Dan and Dawn's on Staurday night. On Easter we had a great brunch at Joe and Lisa's.
They left here on Tuesday.


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