Monday, October 02, 2006


Maybe its my advanced age and my loss of abity to think things thru, but I am definately confused. I think back 50 years and I wonder if the world was as messed up then as it is now, but we just didn't know about it.
I look at the political scene and see Congressmen and Governers resigning amid charges of homosexuality. I see Senators going to jail for taking bribes. I see a complete inability for the political parties to get together to pass any meaningful legislation. There is just a grab for power to the detriment of the people. The only time they get together is when they are passing bills passing their pork barrel projects. I remember when a political party would ask someone to run for office after they had demonstrated their ability thru community projects or holding a lower position. In Florida we have a woman running for Senator who I wouldn't want on the school board. Her only qualification is being wealthy.
I look at the press and see a total one sided coverage. They slant facts and don't care about the effect any of their reporting. They do not care if any of our troops are killed because of their leaking information. They care more for the life of an animal than they do for our troops. There are more unqualified people writing books depicting themselves as experts.
I look at the so called war against terrorism and remember back to WW11. A nation is at war when all of its citizens are involved. Back then we had the draft, we had rationing. We had everyone contributing something. We had Patriotism. Today we have a booming economy and the only reference to the war is on page 8 of the newspaper when they report how many of our boys were killed.
Today we have the internet. Everyone has a cell phone. Even children in grammer school. Soon I exoect that it will be against the law to drive without one to your ear. The people have never heard of the concept of saving to buy something. Everything is now and on credit. We are building a big bubble of debt. I hope it doesn't burst.
I am confused and worried about the workd we are leaving our grand children. I pray that they have as good a life as I have had.


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