Thursday, December 29, 2005


Christmas 2005 has come and it has gone. And it was a memorable Christmas. Bren, Jana and Coleen arrived here on the 20th. It was great seeing them. Little Colleen is a real cutie. She is very personable and loves to go to everyone. She loves climbing on you and doing flips. She also is a very good little girl who eats well, sleeps well and very seldom cries. Jana enjoyed going to the malls and the stores. They don't have a lot of places like that in Hays, Kansas. Joe, Lisa, Dan, Dawn, Matt and the boys were at the house to visit with them. Christmas Eve, everyone was at our house for our traditional putting the tree up and opening some presents. Mom prepared a delicious dinner of beef stroganoff. Santa visited us. (Dick from next door) Colleen was a little afraid of him but Kevin sat on his lap and told him what he wanted. I think he was covering all bases.
On Christmas day, Mom and I brought the gifts up at the 9:30 mass. We all went to dinner at Dan and Dawns. She prepared a delicious feast for us. Lisa and Eddie were not there. They went to St. Louis on Christmas morning. We spoke with everyone. Jean, Harry, Margie, Hank, Mary, Eileen and Thom and all their boys and Christi were at Jean and Harry's home, in Lynchburg, for dinner and a celebration. We also spoke wit Mickey, Becky, JoAnn, Augie, and Kate and Chad.
Dawn flew to Long Island on the day after Christmas. Her Dad is not doing too well. Please say a prayer for his recovery.
Bren, Jana and Coleen left on Tuesday. It was great seeing them.
Yesterday was Mom,s Birthday. She really enjoys talking with everyone. She even recieved an e'mail from her Aunt Ina and her cousin Maureen Lee.
Today begins our 2nd phase of the holidays. Mickey, Becky, Jean, Harry and the boys are arriving for a few says. Lisa and Eddie came home last night and Dawn will be coming home on Saturday.
Mom and I tnank you all for the great gifts. We LOVE you all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas is almost here.

Only four more days until Christmas!! Our season started yesterday with the arrival of Bren, Jana and Colleen. They arrived about 2pm yesterday and already our house is being transformed into Christmas. Having a young 2 year old really transforms a house into a home. Colleen is a people person and is more interested in being with people than with the Christmas decorations that are around the house. It is really musical to hear the laughter of a 2 year old. Dan, Dawn, Sean and Kevin came over last evening. Colleen and the boys got along very well. Jana went with Dawn to the mall. They don't have anything like the mall in Hayes, Kansas. Even though it is only 60 degrees, they went to the beach today. This evening we are going to Matts' home in Tampa for dinner. Friday night we will go to a Lightning hockey game. Then Saturday we will have our traditional Christmas Eve. We will have to take some time out to watch the Giants game. Bren, Jana and Colleen wil be going home on the 27th. About the 28th of December, Mickey, Becky, Jean and Harry and the boys will arrive.
The news about Dawns Dad is not very good. He will need further surgery. We ask for special prayers for him.
Remember..............It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

An Irish Christmas Blessing

God grant you lightness in your step,
a smile on every face you meet,
Love ones gathered at your hearth,
and at your door, good friends to greet,
A holy hymn at your lips,
a window candle glowing bright,
And may the Christmas spirit bless your heart
and come to dwell there Christmas night.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

What To Get Mom and Dad????

I know that the phones have been ringing and you are all asking the same question.
What do Mom and Dad need for Christmas??? Well, by the end of this post you will know.
But first, I want to visit some memories that I have of Christmas. The tree always went up on Christmas Eve. I put it on the stand and brought it into the house. First we put on the lights. Then the ornaments went on. Then the tinsel. We were never too neat with this. We kinda stood back and threw it at the tree. My Mother would put the tinsel on one strand at a time.
While this was going on, Mom would be in the kitchen cooking a big meal for us. The girls would always bake some cookies to put under the tree for Santa. After dinner we would have a little tree lighting ceremony. We would light the tree for the first time and them sing Silent Night. Often, we would go to Aunt Helaine's for a while. You were always anxious to go home.
When we arrived home you would all go to bed even though you didn't go to sleep quickly. Then was my time to bring in all the toys and presents and start to assembly of the toys and the seperating everything into a pile for each of you.
On Christmas morning, you would all wake up early and start coming into our room to wake us so that you could go downstairs. We would try to buy a little time by bringing you into bed with us. Finally we would get up and I would go downstairs to see if Santa had been there. I would light the tree and tell you it was ok to come downstairs. Then the stampede would start as you all rushed down. Its a wonder we didn't have broken arms or legs. There would be a rush with wrapping paper flying everywhere.
After breakfast, we would start getting ready for Church. All the girls would have new dresses and the boys would have white shirts and ties. Then we would go as a family to Church. It was a big moment of pride for your Mom and I.
Now as to what we need for Christmas. We really don't need anything material. Mom and I are living very comfortably. What we would like to see is for all of you to go to a Church on Christmas with your families. Spend a few moments remembering the real meaning of Christmas. While you are there say a prayer for Mom and I. Mom and I will be the gift bearers at the 9:30 Mass at Christmas. We wish you could all be there with us but we know that is impossible. So be with us in spirit by going to a Church near you. Just think...No Mall trips...No post Office...The only money is in the collection plate...AND it is a gift that would really mean something to us. Love you all....

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Turkey Bowl 2005

FLASH....This just in from Fritz Rote our foreign correspondent in Virginia.
This year the Turkey Bowl was played at the Costa Coliseum. It was a heated contest between the Jammin Yams and the Terrific Turkeys. The Terrific Turkeys took the lead early but the Jammin Yams prevailed at the end. Memorable plays were made by Scott, Colin, Nate, Pat, Adam, Luke, Justin and Ryan- and Riley, the lone non-relative kid who kept tripping me. Matt was the referee and managed a terrific game-taking a lot of heat from disgruntied players. The play of the day was turned in by Thom-carring Connor- a one handed catch, juggled three times, as Connor watched the ball in. Anyway nobody was hurt and the dinner party was excellant--Thank you Hank, Margie and the boys for being great hosts.
The Turkey Trophy will reside at the Costa household for one year, awaiting Turkey Bowl 2006. Business plans and Bids will be accepted for hosting next years game. Hank at some point will post a picture of the trophy and e-mail it to all.

Editors note....Sounds like a great time was had by all!!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

An Irish Blessing

May God grant you always..
A sunbeam to warm you
A moonbeam to cham you
A sheltering Angel
So nothing can harm you.