Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It is at this time of year that we reflect on the graces that are in our life and we thank GOD for bestowing them on us. The greatest of my graces is Eileen (Mom) who has been my wife for 58 years. She is the driving force in our family. Then there is the eleven children we have had together. You all know the joy that each of your chilren have brought into your life. Well multiply that joy by eleven and then you know how blessed Mom and I are. Add to that our 24 grandchildren and our three great grandchildren. WOW!! They each occupy a special place in our hearts. On the material side, We live in a nice house in a good neighborhood. We have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. There is a good car in our garage. We support one healthfood store, one supermarket, two pharmacies and lots of Doctors. We have never been hungry or out of work for a long period or homeless. My closet is full and my bureau is overflowing.
All of this brings me to thinking about the people who are poor and need our help.
Three years ago Matt started this by giving me a check which he said I could give to my favorite charity. I gave it to the St. Vincent de Paul Society in our parish. I chose them because they use all the funds that they recieve to help the poor. There is no large overhead and everyone who works there is a volunteer.
For the past two years we have set up a fund to give to St. Vincent de Paul. It is funded by you. I would like to continue that this year. Instead of shopping for me and mailing me presents, I would like it if you would send me a check for the amount you would have spent and I will give it to the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the Meehan name. Think of all the time you would save by not going to the Mall and standing in line at the post office. You can alo make the check out to St. Vincent de Paul Society so you can take the tax deduction. WOW. WHAT A DEAL... We also would all heve the satisfaction of knowing we helped someone.
Love you all.


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