Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer is here !!!

We just had a nice visit from Kate, Chad and the boys. They were here for a week. They took advantage of all the things that Dunedin has to offer. They went down to Honeymoon Island State Park to the beach several days and basked in the warm waters of the Gulf. They spent a day at Busch Gardens riding all the rides. They went to Snafu volleyball one evening and saw Matt and Bonnie and even got a chance to play. They had nice visits with Dan/Dawn and Joe/ Lisa and their boys and got to go in their pools. We all got together at our house one evening and they stayed with us for a couple of nights. The weather could have been better but it wasn't too bad.
Their boys have gotten so tall. We relly enjoyed their visit.
Heard from Brian at the Air Force Acadamy on Sunday. He has survived the first two weeks and this was the first break that they recieved. He sounded very good.
Mom and I are doing well. I went to another orthopedic doctor yesterday. He was recommended by my first ortho Doctor. He basically told me the same as the first Doctor. That as long as I am able to get along, that I shouldn't think about an operation. They put a cortisone shot in my left knee that they said would help for 3 months. Mom is doing very well although she gets tired during the afternoons. We went to her oncologist about a week ago. It was a very quick visit as the doctor was running behind and said she had a meeting to go to. ( I think it was lunch.) I wonder what all this debate in D.C. will bring. They seem to be out of control.


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