Monday, August 21, 2006


The other day, as I was trying to call a company to find an answer to a problem, I encountered an automated phone system that began by communicating with me in two languages. This message went on seemingly forever. This is something we encounter every day with a sickenly regularity. I would like to quote, Eamon de Valera, speaking in 1956.
"Language is a chief characteristic of nationhood." "In the realization of all this our national language has a vital role. Language is a chief characteristic of nationhood - the embodiment, as it were, of the nation's personality and the closest bond between its people. No nation with a language of its own would willingly abandon it."
We should not allow the Spanish language to take over our society. For years immigrants have come to our our country and learned the English language. This is one of the steps to becoming a citizen of our country. It is one of the things that made us united and strong whenever our country has been threatened. Today, in perhaps the time of the greatest peril to our country, we should not let another language weaken our resolve to stand up for our country. New immigrants will not learn our language if it is not forced on them by the use of English in our everyday society. They will not be assimulated into society.
I was just reading the names of the men who were in my USMC OCS class 55 years age. There must be 15 countries from which their parents came to this country. They all worked and sacrificed to come to this country and learn English and become citizens. We should expect no less of the current immigrants.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Last week we wemnt to Amelia Island to meet Bren, Jana and Coleen for a couple of days. Amelia Island is at the most northeast end of Florida, between Jacksonville and Georgia. Jana was attending a conference sponsered by the Mayo Clinic. They were there for a full week. We went up Wednesday and came home on Friday. We stayed in the Ritz Carlton hotel. It is located right on the Atlantic Ocean and has all the amenities. From the time you drop your car off at the valet parking until the time you leave there is always someone there to help you if you need it. The weather was great with no storms but the sun was hot. We spent most of our time either at the ocean or at the pool. It was fun being back in the ocean. It has been a long time. The water was pretty calm on both days with waves not big enough to ride but you did a lot of jumping. The pool was very large but it was crowded on both days. Little Coleen really enjoyed the water. She wasn't afraid at all. The hotel is a very large place and you had to do lot of walking to get anywhere. It really got to my legs and hip after the two days. It is the only place I have ever been that didn't have prices on the menus. I think that is because if you saw the prices, you would lose your appetite.