Thursday, December 28, 2006


We had a great time this Christmas. On Christmas Eve, Dan and Dawn, Joe and Lisa and Matt and their families came to our house to celebrate. Mom made Beef Stroganov and everyone had a great meal. We finished decorating the tree, put the lights on and opened some presents. Thank you all for your thoughts. As usual, Mom and I recieved too much. We have so much that we don't know what to do with it all. Matt gave us a very unusual present. He came to Mass with us and he gave us a check for $300 to be given by Mom and I to our favorite charity. We are now trying to pick a local charity. This might be a good thing for everyone. It would save you from shopping, do some good works and not give us guilty consciences for having too much.
On Christmas Day we went to Joe and Lisa's home for a gourmet meal. After dinner, the games came out and as usual there was a loud and raucous time.
Today is Mom's birthday. She thanks you all for your best wishes. i am not sure what number this is but she must be approaching social security age.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Every year at this time Mom and I talk about our memories of CHRISTMAS. We sit back and smile as we remember all of the little rituals that we went through on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They were great times and we wouldn't trade them for anything. With 11 children, you can imagine the noise and the laughter that filled our home those days. The looks of anticipation on our faces was priceless. (Moms and mine also) As you can imagine we started or preperations early so that on Christmas Eve we just had to go thru our little rituals.
It started early on Christmas Eve when I would put the tree on its stand and bring it into the house. Then would begin the decorating process. We would all help. First would be the lights. They were a bit more difficult than now because they were wired in sequence. If one light was out, they all were out and you had to change them one at a time until they all worked. Then would come he balls. When we started out, we tried to have everything in blue, but this changed quickly. By the time the tinsel was ready, we were not too neat. The littlest ones always tried to get it the highest on the tree.
In the afternoon, the girls all made oatmeal cookies. I can still taste them. We would always save a few by the fireplace for Santa. After dinner, we would go visit Helaine and Jack and the boys for a couple of hours. We didn't stay long because we were all so anxious to get home.
Arriving home, everyone would hang their stocking on the fireplace mantle. We would light the tree and all sit around and sing Christmas Carols. I still smile as I remember the young voices singing Silent Night.
After everyone went to bed, I would get all the toys and the games and put them under the tree in seperate piles for each of you. It was a good year if I didn't have to assemble too many things.
On Christmas Morning, you would start coming into our room at about 6am. The first two or three, we would take into bed with us to try to buy a few more minutes sleep.
It didn't work too well as it became pretty crowded very quickly. Finally we would get up and go downstairs. You would wait at the top of the stairs while I looked to see if Santa had come. I would light the tree and tell you it was OK to come down. The stampede would start as you all rushed down. Its a wonder there wasn't some broken bones. The pandamonium would start. Wrapping paper would be flying everywhere. There would be shouts of joy as you recieved what you were hoping for.
The older children would take care of the younger ones and make sure that they found their gifts.
After breakfast, we would start getting ready for Church. We went to the 10AM mass at St. Rose of Lima Church. All the girls had new dresses and the boys dressed in shirts and ties. Mom and I still remember the feeling of pride that we had as we attended mass with everyone.
After mass, I would go into Jackson Heights and bring my Mother and Father out to dinner. Moms' Mother and Dad would also come for dinner. Mom would fix a huge dinner with a delicious roast beef and all the trimmings. There would be laughter and talk and song and everyone having a great time. After dinner the games would come out and everyone would play.
It was a great time. As I remember, I smile at the wonderfull times.

Monday, December 18, 2006

An Irish Christmas Blessing

God grant you lightness in your step,
a smile on every face you meet,
Loved ones gathered at your hearth,
and at your door, good friends to greet
A holy hymn upon your lips,
a window candle burning bright.
And may the Good Lord bless your heart
And come to dwell there Christmas Night,

And may the God of new beginnings grant you and yours
a year of health, happiness and prosperity.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Eileen (Mom) and I (Dad) wish you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas.

During the coming Christmas Season,
May you all be blessed with the spirit of the season,
Which is PEACE,
The gladness of the season,
Which is HOPE,
And the heart of the season,
which is LOVE.

Well Mom is about ready for Christmas. She has all her present wrapped and in the mail. I am going to do my shopping and buy a tree soon (I hope). I have been completing my schooling for HR Block and it will be back for year 17 as a Senior Tax Advisor.

We ask for your continued prayers for Augie who is recovering from having two stints put into arteries. He has given up smoking and is changing his diet. He is going through a difficult time now. If you get a chance give him a call and a few words of encouragement.
Prayers are also asked for Jack Stanton who had a Pacemaker installed last week.
Welcome home to Matthew Meehan and his parents, Bren and Jana. May he have a loong and healthy life. He is Grandchild number 23.
We also ask for your prayers for Gene Malone, old friend and Marine, who has been battling cancer. And for a special intention of mine.

Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us.