Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May 1st and still undecided!!!!

The events of the last week have put our planning off for a little while. We will not be making any firm plans until after our visit to the neuroligist on May 9th.
I am sure that my problems were caused by my change in medicines. The new medicine did not have a large enough dose of Dilantin. I will be getting my blood checked next Monday for the Dilantin level.
I went yesterday to see Dr. Oliver, the ortopedic surgeon. He took some more x-rays of my knees. He gave me a shot of cortison in my left knee. If this does not work i can get a series of six shots of Hyalgan in my knee. He did not push surgery in my hip until after I have taken care of my other medical problems.
He recomended that I take a product called CosaminDS. It is a health suppliment that has had some very good results. I am to take 3 tablets a day for two months.
His stock soared with Mom when he mentioned a health suppliment.
Other than that, alls well down here in Florida. Say a prayer for Mom with all the problems I am giving her.


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