Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Mom and I had a really great Thanksgiving. We had dinner at Joe and Lisa's and as usual Lisa served us a gormet meal topped by the traditional turkey. She was helped by Mom, Dawn and Bonnie. Joe, Dan, Matt and I must have put on 10 pounds each. I am still eating the leftover desserts. Matt brought a board game that brought roars from the boys. The football games were on television but I think we were thinking of the "Turkey Bowl". A good time was had by all.
We heard that the Virginia Celebration at Margie and Hanks was a memorable affair. Kate and Chad and the boys, Mickey and Becky and the boys, Jean and Fritz and the boys, Mary and Ben, Eileen and Thom and a boy and Amy (how did she get in there)and of course Margie and Hank and the boys were all there. That makes 5 sisters and 1 brother and their spouses and 14 of our Grandsons and little Amy. They tell me that the noise level was tremendous. There were card games and board games going on all the time. Hank had set the tables so that they were all in one line, All the sisters and Becky worked together with Margie to produce a traditional turkey dinner. Then there was the traditional "Turkey Bowl" touch football game. All the boys and their Dads played on the front lawn. With the boys getting older some of the touches were pretty hard. There was some minor blood shed and one person ran into a tree but there were no broken bones. Little Conner (4 years old) wanted to get in the middle of it all. On the day before there was a warmup game at the local high school. Ben recieved the trophy as the MVP.
JoAnn, Augie, Nicole, Mario and the the children and Bren, Jana and the kids were unable to attend. They had a traditional dinner at home.
A good time was had by all and now the preparations for Christmas begin in ernest.
God bless all here.


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