Thursday, September 10, 2009


Only one and a half months of heat. But then we do not have to worry about the cold weather. We have had a good summer. We had a viit from Fritz, Jean and Colin. I wish it was longer but Colin had to get back to VT. Only two more years to go and then out to the harsh reality of the world. I remember those carefree college days. (just barely). We have been following everyone on FaceBook. It is a good way to stay in touch. Mom and I enjoy the pictures.
At times though we look like we live in a hospital. I have been religated to using a cane to get around. I am using an Irish thorn stick that Ed C. gave to me. But I never thought I would last this long. Mom is still on her medicines frrom her breast cancer. Between us, our kitchen looks like a pharmacy.
Lisa is recovering from her auto accident. She is still very sore and goes to therapy three times a week but she still keeps on the move. Dan is having arthritis problems. He is going to start a new treatment this week. Matt and Bonnie are very busy with work and the volleyball club.
The grandchildren are all doing well. Nicole has her hands full with the three kids.
Ben is in serious training as a triathlete and is doing well. Chris likes New York. Justin is settled in Tampa. Colin, Scott, Joey and Pat are back in college. Brian is in the Air Force Acadamy. Ryan, Ed, Sean and Nate are in their last year of high school and are looking at schools for next year. Adam, Lucas, James, Peter and Kevin are still in grammer school. Colleen and Conner are starting kindergarten. Amy and Matt are still at home. Whew.
Bren will be goiing to China in November to pick up another Daughter. I think Mary and Chris are going with him. Mickey and Becky just came back from Parents weekend at the AFA. Hank retired from the USMC. Eileen is back in the Coast Guard as a LCDR.
Eileen, Marge and Jean and families have been going to Virginia Beach for weekends. JoAnn has her hands full with her grandkids. Fritz and Colin went to the VT game in Atlanta. (Too bad the lost). Mom and I wish we could see you all more but we know it is impossible with schools and jobs. Moms 80th is coming up. Maybe we could do something then.