Wednesday, November 22, 2006



We should all pause for a moment and thank GOD for all that we have.
I am overwhelmed when I think of our family and the love that we all share.
I have continued saying the prayer, that I wrote about, several times a day.

Jesus Christ, Son of the Living GOD, have mercy on us.

I recommend it to everyone.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Our Meeting With Old Friends

Yesterday Mom and I went to lunch with Bob and Marilyn Stolarik, Joe and Carol Loughlin and Gene and Allie Malone. 60 years ago we were all seniors at Xavier High School on 16th Street in NYC. 55 years ago Gene and Bob and I went thru USMC OCS at Paris Island And USMC Basic Infantry School at Quantico together, although we didn't know it at the time.
Joe and Carol were down from Chicago visiting his sister. Bob and Maralyn came up from Fort Meyers for the luncheon. We had a great time reminiscing about the high school days and all the people. We all had memories that we shared with each other.
We were in the restaurant for three hours and we were laughing at the stories for the whole time. The funniest of all was Gene Malone. He has a great sense of humor and an unending variety of stories and the ability to tell them. It was a great afternoon and one that Mom and I will remember. I hope we are all able to do it again soon.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Brendan and Jana's Trip To China

Brendan called today and told us that he and Jana will be leaving for China to pick up little Matthew on the 16th of November. They will be gone for two weeks. They will fly from Chicago to China. They will not be taking Coleen with them. Keep them in your prayers that they have a safe trip.

Monday, November 06, 2006


The past several weeks I have been reading books written by Steven Coonts. I try to go back to the very first books written by an author and read the books in sequence. I generally have read these books before but thanks to my poor memory I find reading them again to be enjoyable. So far I have read his first three books. I particularly enjoy Coonts discription of the flying scenes and some of his descriptions in the book. Here are some of his descriptions.
" My Mother is one of the new moderns who have elevated the elimination of risk to a religious status. She writes weekly letters to congressmen urging a national 55 mile-per-hour speed limit,helmets for motorcyclists and gun control. She has never been on a motorcycle and to the best of my knowledge has never even seen a gun"
" Life is not fair. Good things happen to bad people and vice versa, almost as if the goodness and badness of those who bear the load was not factored into the equations for that great computer in the sky."
Speaking of politicians...." It's the ultimate theater. The stakes are money, the mothers milk of politics, great heaping mountains of it. And the actors are politicians, without a doubt the lowest form of animal life. Charlatans, montebanks, liars, hypocrites---they'd cut off your nuts for another term in office, or even a favorable article in a hometown newspaper. If you rendered the whole lot of 'em, you couldn't skim enough scruples to fill a thimble."
"Life is risky. Life isn't some bland puree with all the caffeine and cholesterol removed. It doesn't just go on for ever and ever without end,amen. For every living thing there is a beginning, a middle, and an end. And life is chance. Chance is the means whereby God rules the universe." "I have the courage to try to live with my fate, whatever it may be"

Friday, November 03, 2006

Irish Blessing

May God bless you
with love and health,
for these are the
true measures of
joy and wealth.