Sunday, May 20, 2007

READY OR NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

We finally have our reservations on Allegiant Air. We depart Clearwater/St. Petersburg Airport on Tuesday, May 5th at 1PM and arrive at Roanoke at 2:55PM. We will stay at Jean and Fritz's home on Tuesday night. On Wednesday we will go to Brendan and Jana's place. We will go to visit Eileen and Thom's sometime either Thursday or Friday. On Seturday we will to Margie and Hank's home for Scott's graduation. On Sunday we will go back to Bren and Jana. On Monday we will go back to Jean and Fritz's. On Tuesday we leave Roanoke for home at 3:30 pm and arrive home at 5:25. These plans are subject to change so let me know what really is going to happen.
Matt is thinking of coming up sometime during the week for a couple of days but he doesn't have any set plans as yet.
Becky, Mickey and the boys will arrive here for a visit next Saturday. They will be staying here for a week and be leaving the following Sunday. We are looking fomward to seeing them.
All has been going well here. Mom thanks you all for your Mothers Day thoughts. We went to Joe and Lisa's for dinner. Matt, Dan, Dawn and the boys were there.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May 1st and still undecided!!!!

The events of the last week have put our planning off for a little while. We will not be making any firm plans until after our visit to the neuroligist on May 9th.
I am sure that my problems were caused by my change in medicines. The new medicine did not have a large enough dose of Dilantin. I will be getting my blood checked next Monday for the Dilantin level.
I went yesterday to see Dr. Oliver, the ortopedic surgeon. He took some more x-rays of my knees. He gave me a shot of cortison in my left knee. If this does not work i can get a series of six shots of Hyalgan in my knee. He did not push surgery in my hip until after I have taken care of my other medical problems.
He recomended that I take a product called CosaminDS. It is a health suppliment that has had some very good results. I am to take 3 tablets a day for two months.
His stock soared with Mom when he mentioned a health suppliment.
Other than that, alls well down here in Florida. Say a prayer for Mom with all the problems I am giving her.