Thursday, October 23, 2008


The following is an excerpt from a lecture by Justice Thomas.
When John Kennedy said in his inaugural address, "Ask not what your country can do for you..ask what you can do for you country," we heard his words with ears that had been conditioned to recieve this message and hearts that did not resist it. We heard it surrounded by fellow citizens who had known lives of sacrifice and hardship from war, the Great Depression and segregation. All around us seemed to ingest and echo his sentiments and his words. Our country and our principles were more important than our individual wants, and by discharging our responsibilities as citizens, neighbors and students we would make our country better. It all made sense.
Today, we live in a far differant enviroment. My generation, the self indulgent
"me" generation, has had a profound effect on much around us. Rarely do we hear a message of sacrifice- unless its a justification for more taxation and transfers of wealth to others. Nor do we hear from leaders or politicians that there is something larger and more important than the government providing for all of our needs and wants...large and small. The message today seems more like: ask not what you can do for yourselves and your country, but what your country must do for you.

As we slip closer and closer to socialism, I worry that my Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren will have the freedoms and opportunities that I have enjoyed.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Every evening after I go to bed and before I go to sleep I say the following prayer.

Thank you GOD for the many blessings that you have given me throughout my life. Thank you for my parents who saw me though sickness, always encouraged me and provided me with an education. Thank you GOD for my wife, Eileen, who for 56 years has been at my side giving me her love and affection. She has provided a great stability to my life. It is as if we were one. She has been a great Mother to our 11 children. JoAnn, Joe, Mary, Mickey, Jean, Kate, Marge, Dan, Matt, Bren and Eileen; all of you have brought great happiness and love into my life. You have all made me proud of you. Thank you GOD for my 23 Grandchldren and 3 great grandchildren who are all growing in loving and secure atmospheres.
Thank you GOD for allowing me to be born in the United States of America. It is truely the land of freedom and opportunity. It has allowed me to provide for my wife and chilren. Please protect the USA so my chilren, grandchildren and great grandchildren have the same freedom and opportunity that I have had.
Please GOD forgive me for the many sins and failures that I have had. I am truly sorry for them. Please help me to not sin any more.
JESUS CHRIST, son of the living GOD, pray for us.